M.V. Slipenchuk, Director General of IFC “METROPOL” took part in the international scientifically-practical conference "The Peculiarity of the Economic Activities in the Baikal natural territory".
July, 1-4, in Enhaluk, the Republic Buryatiya,
took place the international scientifically-practical conference
"The Peculiarity of the Economic Activities in the Baikal natural
territory", organized by the Government of Republic Buryatiya, the
Baikal institute of wildlife management of the SO of the Russian
Academy of Science and Geological institute of the SO of the
Russian Academy of Science.
By the special invitation of the Government of
Republic Buryatiya, Michael Slipenchuk Director General of IFC
“METROPOL” and Bair Tsirenov, Deputy Director General of the
Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia", participated in the
The basic purpose of conference was the
discussing the problems of the economic activities conducting with
a view of steady development of the Baikal natural zone, and also
the formation and the perfection of normative base of realization
of the Federal Law "About the protection of lake Baikal ".