The METROPOL Group of Companies pays great attention to sponsorship and charity. It is active in aiding the restoration of cultural monuments, and regularly provides assistance to social initiatives and educational organizations.

In 2002, Mikhail Slipenchuk was awarded the Russian Orthodox Church's Order of the Saint Blessed Prince Daniil of Moscow, 3rd class, for the help rendered to restore the Assumption Church in the village of Chernigovka, the Primorye region.

The company is proud to support sport events. The METROPOL Group of Companies helped to set up the Kyokushinkan Karate-do Federation in 2004. The Federation seeks to continue the tradition of Kyokushin Karate-do in Russia and unite the organizations where Kyokushinkan karate-do is practiced. The Federation has already held the Youth Open Team Cup and the Men's International Competition. Now the preparations for a world championship are underway. The Federation is headed by IFC METROPOL General Director Mikhail Slipenchuk.

The company also assisted the balloon expedition to the North Pole. The flight is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and is a present to the geography department that Mikhail Slipenchuk graduated from.

«После определенного уровня стремление к обогащению не имеет смысла, если вы не знаете, на что вы хотите использовать свое богатство»
Джордж Сорос

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

メトローポルグループについて | 社長の挨拶 | 事業内容 | 慈善事業と社会的な責任

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year