27日  9月  2011年
METROPOL Group acted as a partner of International EurAsEC forum «Business in EurAsEC in the conditions of the Customs union and Common economic space», that took place in Almaty on September 22

The forum was organized in the framework of a business program of EurAsEC Integration committee and Customs union committee. The meetings of the said committees took place in Almaty on September 23, 2011.
The forum was organized by Eurasian business council and National economic chamber of Kazakhstan “Atameken” Union” with the assistance of the secretary’s office of IC EurAsEC, Customs Union Committee, Chamber of commerce and industry of Russia (CCI RF), Russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs (RUIE), Association of financial and industrial groups of Russia, Russian union of manufacturers. The head of METROPOL group Mikhail Slipenchuk is the chairman of the Board of Eurasian Business council is.
METROPOL Group, the MBC Corporation as well as Eurasian development bank, Polus Zoloto CJSC, Transaero JSC, Instrument making Plant OJSC acted as the partners of the forum. 
The purpose of the forum was the provision of EurAsEC business community with the information about the work of the Customs union and formation of the Common economic space.  The forum considered the issues connected with the increase of business efficiency in EurAsEC countries under new conditions as well as the strengthening of the role of business in the process of formation and correction of CU and CES regulations.
Delegations from 6 states (total number of delegates – 250 persons) participated in the forum. Among them were the representatives of governments of Customs union member states, EurAsEC and supervisor states of the Union, secretary’s office of IC EurAsEC, Commissions of the Customs union, national ministries and agencies, business circles, financial institutions, expert community, public organizations and industry unions.
In the course of meetings the participants in the forum discussed the ways of the CU integration into CES, implementation of adjusted tax, fiscal, currency and trade policies, integration of transport, logistics and information infrastructure, creation of a unified system of state support   for the development of top priority areas of economy, production, scientific and technological cooperation in the framework of Eurasian states and other important issues.
Oleg Soskovets, Chairman of Coordination Board of Eurasian Business Council, was the forum’s presenter. Reports were delivered by Tair Mansurov, General secretary of EurAsEC, Sergey Glaziev – deputy General secretary of EurAsEC, Authorized secretary of the Customs union committee, and others.
At the conclusive meeting the participants adopted a final resolution that contained suggestions and recommendations of EurAsEC states business community regarding the measures aimed at CU legislation improvement and formation of   efficient and beneficial business environment throughout CES and EurAsEC.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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