24日  4月  2012年
A general meeting of members of CB Obibank that summed up the activities of the bank in 2011 took place on April 24, 2012

The general meeting of the CB Obibank held on April 24, 2012, summarized the activities of the bank in 2011 and made the following decisions:

1. To approve a report on the activities of CB Obibank LLC in 2011, the balance sheet as of December 31, 2011 in the amount of 9,437,462 rubles, the profit and loss statement for 2011 and profit before tax deduction in the amount of 38,590 rubles.

2. To approve the Auditor's Report of CB Obibank LLC for 2011.

3. To allocate the net profit obtained as a result of financial activities of CB Obibank LLC in 2011 in the amount of 22,235,920.54 rubles as follows:

- a part of net profit in the amount of 10,471,402.13 rubles to be spent on the completion of the reserve fund of the bank,
- a part of net profit in the amount of 11,764,518.41 rubles not to be allocated.

4. To approve audit firm FBK LLC as the Auditor of CB Obibank LLC for fiscal year 2012.

5. Make the following changes to the Board of Directors of CB Obibank LLC:

- to withdraw A.V. Kim from the Board of Directors,
- to include into the composition of the Board of Directors O.V. Yuzvikova - Financial Director of IFC METROPOL, M.Y. Rubinstein - Director of the Analytical Department of IFC METROPOL, Hiroki Takahashi - head of the Representative office of BSI Holdings, Inc. in Moscow.

6. To approve the "Order for granting loans in the form of overdraft facilities to legal entities in CB Obibank".

7. To increase the authorized capital of CB Obibank LLC by 900 million rubles to 1,188,000,000 roubles at the expense of making additional contributions by the members of the bank.

8. To approve the new Articles of Association of CB Obibank LLC.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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