08日  12月  2011年
IFC METROPOL acts as a leading co-organizer in the regular issue of bonds by FGC RPG

IFC METROPOL acted as a leading co-organizer in the issue of bonds (series 18) by FGC RPG OJSC for the amount of 15 bln roubles with the term of circulation making up 2.5 years and a 2.5-year offer.

The order book was opened on December 5 with approximate coupon rate making up 8.45-8.85%. The total scope of demand exceeded the nominal issue amount twofold and made up 32 bln roubles that became a record (in absolute values) for the market since the resuming of initial placements in October 2011. It was decided to approve 43 applications filed by Russian and international investors. The coupon rate was set on the level of 8.50% per annum.
The beginning of allocation is planned to be started on December 12, 2011. 

The transaction was organized by Renaissance Capital, Gasprombank, VTB Capital and Sberbank of Russia. IFC METROPOL was the leading organizer of the transaction. BK Region acts as a co-organizer.

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FGC RPG OJSC was founded in accordance with the program for Russian electrical energy sector reform as a management organization for the Unified national (all-Russian) power grid (FGC). The main areas of its activities are as follows: FGC management; rendering services of electrical energy transfer and connection to power grids to the subjects of wholesale electrical energy market; investments in FGC development; upkeep of electrical grids in proper health; technical supervision of the state of the grid facilities. In 2010 the output of electrical energy from FGC networks made up 470,648.072 mln kWh. FGC RPG OJSC is an active player in the corporate bonds market.

Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was founded in 1995. The company offers brokerage services as well as services for participation in restructuring transactions, purchase and sale, attracting debt and equity capital, sale of assets, and financial and corporate consulting. The company has accumulated great experience in public (IPO, SPO) and private security placements. The National Rating Agency ranks IFC Metropol at "AAА", its maximum ranking for reliability.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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