20日  11月  2012年
The National Rating Agency Affirmed the AAA Reliability Rating of IFC METROPOL

IFC METROPOL has been present on the market since 1995. It is the core structural unit of the METROPOL Group of Companies, a big international investment and industrial holding featuring Russian capital. The Group incorporates Management Company METROPOL, CB Obibank LLC, Mining Bank of Congo, foreign financial companies – METROPOL (UK) LIMITED and METROPOL (Cyprus) LIMITED, MBC Corporation and MBC RESOURCES Ltd. operating within geological exploration and mining segment, Metropol Development, Putnik travel agency, Airport Baikal LLC and other business entities. Offices of the Group’s units have been opened in Japan, China, Vietnam, France, Canada, Serbia and Montenegro.

IFC METROPOL is licensed to perform the following activities: brokerage, dealing, securities management and depositary services. The company is a member of the following securities market professional associations: NSMA (National Securities Market Association), NLMC (National League of Management Companies), NAUFOR (National Association of Securities Market Participants) and Moscow Exchange.

The major lines of activity of the company are as follows: all-round brokerage services on formal markets both in Russia and abroad; off-board transactions employing all types of financial instruments, including transactions on global markets; underwriting of bonds issued by Russian companies; medium-size business M&A deals in consumer and industrial sectors.

In 2012 the company decided to adjust the activities of its Debts and Derivatives Department strengthening thus its trading operations on public debt market, whereas reducing presence at corporate bond market. IFC METROPOL approached the futures market dealing with federal loan bonds in July 2011. Being the leading market maker, the company has constituted some 60% of this market’s turnover for more than a year. The company won Cbonds Award 2011 in Best Public Bond Futures Market Team nomination, and also Moscow Exchange award called Flagship of the Federal Loan Bond Basket Futures Market.

As to placing Rouble denominated debt instruments, the company generally focuses on energy sector issuers. In 2011 IFC METROPOL served as an underwriter in 7 bond issues of such companies as Gazprom Capital, Irkutskenergo, RusHydro, FGC UES, and Enel OGK-5 with 5.45 bln roubles overall.

In 2012 the company acted as an underwriter at MOESK bond issue.

In 2011 the company completed the project on monitoring sales on the vendor’s party of 100 per cent of the Narodny retail network (Tatarstan). The deal costing 510 mln roubles was closed on June 2011, X5 Retail Group was the acquirer. As to corporate finances, the company is processing a number of major deals within the METROPOL Group, which are about to be unveiled.

IFC METROPOL renders all brokerage and depositary services specified by the license, including Internet Trading. Clients are granted access to trading in the Government Securities and the Stock Exchange sections of the Moscow Exchange. Global clients of Metropol Group are granted access to international Stock Exchanges via the UK-based subsidiary, which enables their trading on London and Frankfurt stock exchanges. In 2012 Metropol (UK) Ltd, the METROPOL Group of Companies unit, has become the primary broker representative of FCXM in Russia, which allows IFC METROPOL to offer a new services – international FOREX market trading and CFD transactions using marketable financial instruments.

The balance sheet figures of IFC METROPOL as of Q2 2012 vs. Q2 2011 have not changed substantially – total assets, owner's equity and basic financial indexes remained almost the same. For the reviewed period the securities transactions turnover has incresed by 55%, including Internet Trading (+59%), and also the client base has also been extended (the number of brokerage services subscribers now exceeds 1,000). Clients are provided with POS Quik and NetInvestor.

Market value of the assets deposited in IFC METROPOL as of end Q2 2012 measured 27,474 mln roubles. The number of custodian accounts has slightly increased (+2.4%) to reach 1,340 as of end Q2 2012. The Analytical Department’s headcount is 15 specialists covering over 80 securities issuers.
IFC METROPOL has been well profitable throughout the reviewed period. The 2011 annual net profit of the company amounted to ~ 5.8 mln roubles. Per 1H 2012 the company reported profit of ~ 2 mln roubles.

“Confirmation of the highest rating is determined by stable financial performance and positive trend in clientile terms, in particular, trading activity of our clients. Since 2007 the company has generated profits all the time, which proves its utmost sustainability and reliability. Prolonged history of success on financial market, strong market position, well elaborated corporate management and risk management systems – all this makes positive impact on rating estimation”, comments Natalia Soboleva, analyst at National Rating Agency.
The company is audited by SV-Audit CJSC. KPMG audits the company’s IFRS paperwork.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year