29日  11月  2011年
IFC METROPOL supports a workshop organized by a world expert in the futures on treasury bonds

A workshop by Galen Burghardt – world guru  of treasury bond futures  – was organized at RTS stock exchange on November 28. IFC METROPOL supported the organization of the seminar. More than 90 representatives of broker houses, investment and management companies were present at the event.
Galen Burghardt  is a world-known expert in the area of analysis of treasury bond futures . His book The Treasury Bond Basis has been very popular with the traders working with the   treasury bond futures all over the  world for many years. From the moment of its first publishing in 1989 the book that contains deep analysis of relations and connections between the bonds market and the futures market and has at the same time practical nature, has helped thousands of hedgers, speculators and arbitrators to understand this instrument and to make profit with its use.
It the course of the seminar the trainer spoke about theoretical and practical aspects of working with futures on treasury bonds. The main emphasis was placed on the studying of basic instrument application cases taking into account specific features of Russian market that enabled the consideration of new opportunities available to Russian traders in the use of futures on federal loan bonds.
It should be noted that the specialists of the department for debt instruments and derivatives of IFC METROPOL consulted Mr. Burghardt regarding the current situation with the futures on federal loan bonds in the Russian market. Being a market-maker IFC METROPOL carries out constant market monitoring and has been issuing regular analytical reports since November of this year. 
The participants of the seminar highly appreciated the importance of the meeting: the use of world experience is very useful for the development of the Russian market of the futures on federal loan bonds and the increase of its liquidity. P. Kadysh, the head of the department for debt instruments and derivatives of IFC METROPOL, believes that detailed studying of the ceases from foreign practice will enable Russian specialists to promptly change their attitude towards the futures on federal loan bonds and to make operations with such derivatives a part of their everyday activities.


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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