02日  12月  2008年
Working meeting between President of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Head of METROPOL Group of companies took place

On 30 November 2008, a working meeting between the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Joseph Kabila, and the Head of METROPOL Group of companies, M.V. Slipenchuk, took place in the Congo’s capital, Kinshasa, organized with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the meeting, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Congo, A.I. Klimenko, the speaker of the National Assembly (the lower chamber of the Congo Parliament), V. Kamere, and the Diplomatic Advisor to the Congo President, M. Chisambo, also took part.
At the meeting, a wide range of questions connected with both the investment bank activity of METROPOL Group in the Congo was discussed, as well as attraction of direct investments into the major branches of the Congo’s economy, including mining, construction, power and telecommunications.
J. Kabila noted that the Congo is interested in further expansion of communications with Russia in the sphere of economy, politics and culture. The importance of consolidating efforts of Russian companies to enter the Congo market was especially noted. In this connection, the President suggested that METROPOL Group become a coordinator of activity of Russian companies in this direction.
M.V. Slipenchuk emphasized that METROPOL Group is prepared to work actively in this direction, not only with Russian companies, but also with the companies of countries where representations of the Group are open: Japan, China, Canada, Great Britain, France, Serbia, Montenegro, Cyprus and also from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, countries of south-east Asia etc.
J. Kabila suggested that M.V. Slipenchuk develop a plan of the further action for METROPOL Group in all possible directions of cooperation with the Congo.
There was special interest from the President in the idea of placing, with assistance of METROPOL Group, of bonds from the Congo’s power companies (or the joint ventures) on international financial platforms to attract investments into this currently major branch of the national economy.
In the political aspect, special importance has noted been regarding Russian business in the Congo for final establishment of the world in the country and maintaining a balance of efforts.
J. Kabila as President of the country, in confirming the gravity of intentions and political importance of cooperation, has allowed in exclusive order the raising of the Congo flag above the representation of METROPOL Group in Kinshasa alongside the flag of the Russian Federation and corporate flag of the Group.
In concluding the conversation, the President of the Congo promised to render M.V. Slipenchuk further assistance and all-round support of the activity of METROPOL Group in the country. In addition, J. Kabila instructed appointment of a special financial adviser to the President on work with METROPOL Group in the Congo, which indicates the special interest from the head of the country in further promotion of the process. The Congo President also expressed his desire to visit Russia next year.
Instead of the planned 20 minutes, the meeting lasted 1.5 hours, which according to representatives of the President Congo of administration, happens extremely seldom and testifies to the great interest of the country leaders to the conversation which took place and the topics mentioned during it.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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