26日  11月  2012年
METROPOL Congratulated the Inform Polis Publishing House on Its Anniversary

November 23, the Inform Polis Publishing House 20-year anniversary was celebrated at Havana Club Lounge in the city of Ulan-Ude. Regional Operations Director at IFC METROPOL Bair Tsyrenov on behalf of the company congratulated the managenment of this respectable Publishing House expressing gratitude for multiannual cooperation.

Inform Polis plays live and remarkable role in promotion of its industry contributing a lot into development of publishing market of the Republic. The Inform Polis newspaper has been the leader of the region’s paper media of the region for many years. “I wish you to realize the most ambitious of your ideas, be a chief monitor and, which is most important, an expert, who is always reckoned upon. I wish your business further prosperity and vibrant development, the best of everything to each and every staff-fellow, and always fine pen available!” declared Mr. Tsyrenov.

B.D. Tsyrenov also took part in awarding ceremony of VIP-Expo fair – an exhibition of innovation projects, premium class products and services.

The publishing house Inform Polis was established in 1992. Its principal product is the newspaper Inform Polis having one of the greatest circulation rates (30,000 copies) all over the Republic’s media market.

B.D. Tsyrenov of IFC METROPOL; CEO at PH Inform Polis S.B. Dagayeva; Chairman of the Committee NKh RB on Land Tenure, Agriculture and Consumer Market, Secretary of the Regional Branch of the United Russia V.A. Pavlov.

B.D. Tsyrenov delivers a note of thanks to a participant of the VIP-Expo.

B.D. Tsyrenov congratulates the Inform Polis staff on behalf of METROPOL Group


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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