15日  9月  2011年
The photo of Mikhail Slipenchuk at the photo show of Vincent Perez

On the 14th of September within the framework of the Ninth International Film Festival of Asia-Pacific region, "Pacific Meridian" in Vladivostok, which was hold under the patronage of the Primorsky Territory Administration, a personal exhibition of a famous actor and director (and now a photographer) Vincent Perez was successfully opened. His exposition author called "from Vladivostok to Paris," and turned it into a series of genre pictures, which depicts the world famous representatives of the arts, movies, politicians, businessmen and government officials. Vincent Perez captures them in a friendly informal atmosphere. In addition to trying to catch an elusive moment, after each meeting, photographer wrote one sentence, one thought, as a kind of result of conversation that took place during taking these pictures. Therefore each picture has its own introduction.
"Photos are devoted to Russian-French friendly relations, taken in private, sometimes before going on stage, sometimes in between the official events, sometimes in a friendly meeting, which, once, for example, has developed into a demonstration of the elements of martial arts (in the peaceful meaning of this word, there were no injuries during the photography), as has happened with my friend Mikhail Slipenchuk. I wanted to show people my creative look at well-known figures of culture, sports and business in both countries, with whom I have friendly relations. Mikhail in this series, in my opinion, is a prominent representative of all three directions, so I put his picture in the centre of the exhibition" - shared his thoughts Vincent Perez at the opening ceremony.
Exhibition, held at the museum named after V.K. Arsenyev visited friends of Perez such stars as: Liza Minnelli, Ornella Muti, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Larissa Belobrova (co-author and organizer of the event), as well as the Governor of Primorsky Territory Sergey Darkin. Vincent Perez was accompanied in Vladivostok by a representative of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL Stepan Semenov.
In December of this year photo exposition of Perez arrives in Moscow and will be deployed in gallery "Winery" It is expected that the Moscow stage of the international cultural project will be no less representative and brighter than the Far Eastern. The Moscow audience will also be able to see photos of Carla Bruni, Luc Besson, Bernadette Chirac, Bono, Oleg Tabakov, Yuri Solomin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, opera singer Olga Zhigmitova and many other prominent representatives of the art world.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL plans to become a partner in the Moscow stage of the exhibition.
Then work photo exposition of Vincent Perez will travel to Paris and at the final stage, will be presented at Cannes.
Information: The Swiss Vincent Perez became famous in the early 90's, when he appeared in the French films with famous actresses Emmanuelle Beart, Catherine Deneuve, Sophie Marceau, Isabelle Adjani, and others. He became famous in the whole world after his role in Michelangelo Antonioni's film "Beyond the Clouds." In 1996, the actor first appeared in Russia in the film of Pavel Lungin "Lifeline" In 2007, he played one of the leading roles in the national blockbuster "The Apocalypse Code." As a theatre director, he plans to stage his own play in Moscow theatre "Lenkom".


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
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