06日  8月  2012年
Anton Shomoyev Representing Shatar-Metropol Chess Club Becomes Champion Again

On 24 July 2012, the 4th International Chess Festival ended in Izhevsk for the Center Corporation Cup with the main cash prize of 150,000 Rubles. Anton Shomoyev, an international grandmaster from Ulan-Ude representing Shatar-Metropol Club team became the winner of the Festival.
In nine games Anton got 7.5 points (+6-0=3) beating his rival from Novosibirsk Dmitry Bocharov. Ukraine’s Igor Kovalenko took the second place with seven points; Pavel Ponkratov from Chelyabinsk was the third (6.5 points). Chess players from eight countries including Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the USA, France, Italy, Cyprus and Russia took part in the Cup.

International grandmaster Anton Shomoyev, who won the Center Corporation Cup, noted: “This is the first time I’ve been to Izhevsk and I like the city very much. The contest was well organized, so there I didn’t have to care about anything and stayed totally focused on the game. The rivals were very smart. I had a creative mood throughout the competition - this helped me utilize a lot of new ideas and win”.

Anton’s near-term plans are to take part in the Russian Fast Chess Championship to begin in Irkutsk on 11 August. In September, Anton will arrive in Vladivostok.

“On behalf of our Shatar Chess Club and on my own, I would like to thank METROPOL Group of Companies and the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal for their generous contribution to the promotion of chess sport in our republic and for their long-lasting support to our team”, said international grandmaster Anton Shomoyev.

Anton Shomoyev representing Shatar-Metropol Chess Club won the cup in the Russian Men’s Chess Championship.


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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