27日  10月  2010年
In its first three months of operation, the Debt Instruments and Derivatives Department has gained a 18.6% share of the secondary bond market in the energy sector

In 2010, IFC METROPOL decided to enter the debt capital market with the purpose of capitalizing in primary offerings in Russia’s energy sector and gaining a position of expert and market maker in the energy sector secondary market. To implement this strategy and achieve the objectives, IFC METROPOL has formed a highly professional team of debt market specialists with a unique experience gained in leading investment banks.
In record time, the company created an effective business model based on the best practices of leading international and Russian investment banks. During the first month, the company increased its market share in the secondary bond market of Russia's energy sector from 0 to 19%, and at the end of the first three months, its average market share was 18.6%. Today, IFC METROPOL quotes almost all of the energy sector securities: HYDRO-OGK (Series 01), LENENERGO (Series 02, 03), MOSENERGO (Series 01, 02, 03), MOESK (Series 01), IDGC SOUTH (Series 02), OGC 5 (Series 01, BO 15), OGC 6 (Series 01), TGC-1 (Series 01, 02), TGC 2 (Series 01, БO-01), TGC 5 (Series 05), TGC 6 (Series 01), TGC 9 (Series 01), TYUMENENERGO (Series 02), UES FGC (Series 04, 06, 08, 10), YAKUTSKENERGO (Series БO-01, 02).

The next step in IFC METROPOL’s strategy in the debt capital market is entering the initial public offerings market and gaining a market share there.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
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