29日  5月  2012年
Personal exhibition of the artist Bato Dashitsyrenov opened in Buryatia with the support of the METROPOL Group of Companies

A long-awaited exhibition of talented artist Bato Dashitsyrenov (1961-2011) opened in Ulan-Ude Art Museum named after T.S.Sampilov on May 29.
 Bato Dashitsyrenov was born in Huramsha village, Ivolginsk region of Buryatia.   In 1995 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after I.E. Repin, from theater department. In 1995-1999 he was the chief artist of the Buryatia State Academic Opera and Ballet in Ulan-Ude. In 2000-2004 we worked as a chief designer of Art and production plant of Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, since 2006 was appointed the head of sculpture workshops of Mariinsky Theatre.
 A world in which we immerse with the help of Bato Dashitsyrenov’s creativity, presents a thousand-year-long history of ancient Central Asia as if viewed through a thin prism of postmodernism. Bato said: "I feel close to the manner of the Impressionists. I am attracted by the art of Central Asia, its ancient sources. I like "stone images", petroglyphs, masks, shaman ongons.  On the other hand, try to get away from purely ethnic motives to communicate the state of the soul". The artist approached his style gradually and tenderly treated his old and favorite subjects.  Among the latter "Angel": an angel behind the rider’s back - the plot is partly literary, close to the Christian motives. His tutor, a well-known theater artist Eduard Kochergin said about the work of his pupil: "Bato has wonderful plastic, very specific and very Buryat, and thus the true and universal."
During the last years of his life Dashitsyrenov was working for the good of your favorite theater. Small exhibitions of his works were held in St. Petersburg and Irkutsk, but nothing was organized in Buryatia. The time has come for Buryat viewers to enjoy the creativity of one of the greatest Buryat artists of our time.  The long-awaited meeting between the artist and his people happened due to the financial support of the METROPOL Group of Companies, which is not the first time a co-organizer of such events.
At the opening ceremony  Constantine Kazakovich Hanhalaev, director of Hanhalaev exhibition gallery, stated: "We thank our friends, the METROPOL company, because they pay so much attention to Buryat art."

Wife of the artist Surena Dashitsyrenova.

Opening of the exhibition

Sculpture "Hamt (together)", 2008, galvanizing, painting to the right of the sculpture - "Fighter", 2010, paper, sauce, the picture on the left of the sculpture - "Halt", 2010, paper, sauce

Painting "Motherhood"


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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