20日  2月  2007年
METROPOL Group of companies and Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia" were the general sponsors of the IV Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum "The Industrial basis of development of Russia"

The delegation of METROPOL Group headed by the General Director of Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia" Oleg Mihaylenko participated in the work of the Forum in Krasnoyarsk February, 16th-17th .
The Forum was also visited by Minister of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation G. Gref, the governor of Krasnoyarsk region A. Hloponin, the Chief of expert management of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation A. Dvorkovich, Chairman of Vneshecomonbank V.Dmitriev, the Head of the representation of Merryl Lynch in Russia S.Aleksashenko, the Head of Federal road agency O. Belozerov, the General director of Open Society "SUEK" V.Rashevsky, the general director of Open Society "GigroOGK" V. Sinjugin, the President of the Russian union of the Industrialists and businessmen A. Shohin, the vice-president of the management of Gazprom V.Golubev.
Oleg Mihaylenko presented at the Forum the investment project "Complex development of Transbaikalia", prepared together with the government of republic Buryatiya, administration of the Chita area and Corporation "TVEL". The project contemplates the construction of the railway Mogzon (the Chita area) - Ozernoe (Republic Buryatiya) - Hiagda - New Uoyan (Republic Buryatiya) which will connect the Transsiberian highway and Baykal Amur pipe-line (BAM). Construction of the railway will have federal value that will allow to strengthen transport potential of the Chita area and to involve the territory of East Buryatiya into the economic circulation.
Besides the line will promote development of Buryatiya as the special tourist-recreational zone, will allow the companies to develop their deposits and to serve the industrial capacities in the region. The presentation included also the project of development of ore minerals (zinc, lead, molybdenum, tin, gold, beryllium, uranium and iron ores, aluminous raw material, etc.) in Republic Buryatiya, constructions of the objects of the electric power industry and reprocessors.
The purpose of the project is to create in Transbaikalia a new diversified industrial region. The project is supposed to be carried out by means of the private-state partnership.
The acting as president of Corporation "TVEL" Anton Badenkov and the assistant of the General Director of HidroOGK Alexander Sergeev also participated in the presentation.
The regional program on payment of the operative treatment of children with congenital heart diseases "Child's heart" became the official charitable action of IV Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum. On February, 17th competitions on biathlon between teams of federal officials, administrations of Krasnoyarsk region, federal investors and regional business took place in order to support the program. Oleg Mihajlenko was the head of the command of federal business representatives that included the top-managers of the Russian biggest companies. 6 million of rubles were transferred to the fund "Children's heart". General Director of IFC "METROPOL" M.Slipenchuk and the General Director of Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia" O.Mihajlenko transferred the money to the fund too.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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