12日  9月  2007年
The Russian-Vietnamese business forum

On the 12th of September 2007 Russian-Vietnamese business forum which had been organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation together with the Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Embassy of Vietnam in Russia, took place. The forum was organized in framework of official visit to Russia of Prime minister of Socialist Republic Vietnam Nguen Tan Zung.
In his opening speech Nguen Tan Zung emphasized Hanoi’s interest in cooperation with Moscow in many directions and first of all in those areas where Russia has wide experience and great possibilities. According to him, such priority directions are working out of mineral deposits, oil and gas, power, metallurgical, space industry, spheres of science, education and staff training. Today in Vietnam 54 projects are carried out with the assistance of Russian investments for a total sum of about 300 million $, and all of them are productive, the Prime minister of Vietnam pointed out. Stable sociopolitical position in the country and also active economic development are considered to be a favorable condition for the Russian business. Having reminded, that during the last few years growth of gross national product of Vietnam was more than 8 % and now is estimated approximately as 63 billions $, Nguen Tan Zung declared that his country plans to maintain the next years rates of gross national product growth at the same level. Vietnam besides is the market with a great potential where the population numbers 85 million out of which about 75 % are under 40 years. According to the Prime minister of Vietnam, Russian businessmen will be satisfied with Vietnamese manpower - «hardworking, dynamical, with sufficiently high educational level» that many of them had got in the USSR and Russia.
In the end of the opening speech, Nguen Tan Zung emphasized the necessity to carry out specific actions for support of businessmen of the two countries at creation and expansion of direct business contacts, research of the markets, search of effective forms of interaction.
In the second part of the plenary session Michael Viktorovich Slipenchuk elected on the 3rd of September 2007, the Chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-Vietnamese business council gave speech. He focused his attention on the idea that to bring relations between our countries to a new strategic level is possible only by joint efforts. After all, Russia and Vietnam are not those they were ten years ago. In both countries there are active market transformations, but not all Russian companies appeared to be ready to work in new economic conditions, and many of them simply left from the Vietnamese market. The important role in change of the current situation is played by the Russian -Vietnamese business council to enter in which the largest Russian companies and banks working with Vietnam or those going in the short term to establish contacts with Vietnamese business community, already expressed desire. The Council will carry out its activity in close contact with Russian-Vietnamese Intergovernmental Commission on trade and economic and scientific and technical cooperation.
In his speech M.V. Slipenchuk told about the Group of companies "METROPOL" - one of the largest investment-industrial groups of Russia which had united the major branches and lines of economic activity, such as development of polymetal fields, stock market trading, work in real estate and insurance markets. The company actively step up its presence abroad. There already have been opened official representation offices of the Group in Japan, China, Serbia, France. The affiliated investment companies operate in Canada, Great Britain and on Cyprus. M.V. Slipenchuk expressed hope, that the time when there will be the Group representation in Hanoi, is not far off. In conclusion the speaker emphasized that the МETROPOL Group of companies is ready to make advantage of all knowledge and international experience in framework of the Russian-Vietnamese business council.



The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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