16日  2月  2010年
Meeting takes place between management of MBC Corporation and leading plant of Russian mechanical engineering Tyazhmash

On 15 February 2010, the Moscow office of the MBC Corporation [East-Siberian Metals] was visited by the technical management of Tyazhmash open joint-stock company (based in Syzran). The aim of the visit was to make an application to participate in the tender for complete delivery of a thermal power station and ore processing plant at Ozernoe.
The result of the meeting between the Deputy General Director of MBC Corporation, S.N. Garichev, with representatives from the Syrzan enterprise for heavy, power and transport mechanical engineering was an arrangement for the submission of a preliminary offer for the delivery of equipment by Tyazhmash plant at the end of March, 2010.
Receipt of applications from Russian and foreign companies to participate in the tender began in December, 2009. Results of the tender will determine the suppliers of the thermal power station, processing plant and mining technology for the Ozernoe deposit.
The capacity of Ozernoe mining and processing plant is more than 6 million tonnes of ore annually, extracted over 25 years of the deposit’s operation.


Tyazhmash plant was founded in 1941 and is a leading enterprise for heavy, power and transport engineering. Tyazhmash equipment is used in such industries as power engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, civil engineering, chemistry and petroleum refining, agriculture, gold-and-diamond mining, defence, space and many others.
Practically all Russian thermal power plants operating with solid fuel, HPPs and NPPs, largest mining concentration complexes processing ferrous, culpric, tungsten-molybdenum, gold-and-diamond containing ores, largest blast furnaces, open pits and mines are equipped with Tyazhmash products.
The company’s equipment has been delivered to and is successfully used in India, France, Bulgaria, China, Mongolia, Morocco, Egypt, Yugoslavia, Poland, Romania, Vietnam, North Korea and also many countries of the CIS.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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