28日  4月  2011年
METROPOL Group of Companies Sponsored a Presentation of Star Savior by Viktor Slipenchuk in Beijing

On April 27, 2011, in the Russian Federation embassy in the People’s Republic of China in Beijing, with support of METROPOL Group of Companies, Star Savior, a science fiction novel by a renowned Russian writer Viktor Slipenchuk, was presented. The novel was published for the first time in the Chinese language by People’s Literature, a major publishing house in the People’s Republic of China.

The novel is about the indigo people. Their supernatural powers amid the pending global failure of the old world give hope for a new sky and a new earth. As messengers of the civilization to come, they are searching for their place in our changing world, which for them is related to human sufferings – you are not like everyone else. Will they save us, ordinary people? Or will we reject them? The one thing is clear – they are among us...

Opening the presentation Yevgeny Timokhin, an advisor and ambassador of the Russian Embassy in the People’s Republic of China said: “Russian literature is in the peak of its development and attracts growing interest both in Russia and abroad. A vivid example of this is the publication of Viktor Slipenchuk’s book in China which has become an important milestone in developing and strengthening humanitarian contacts between our countries. This is particularly important for the younger generation who by reading the book will learn more about their close neighbors, their inner life, emotions and culture”.

“The Star Savior novel is very topical”, said Tian Dawei, a renowned state and public figure, former Deputy Director of the National Library and Director of the Statutory Regulation Administration of China’s Ministry of Culture. “Through fantastic images and situations, the author expresses his concern with the future of humankind. The well known motto “All for one, one for all” is filled with new meaning in the book as no one can cope alone with the challenges facing the entire human race”. Mr Guan Shiguan, editor in chief of the People’s Literature publishing house, spoke of an important influence of the Russian and Soviet literature on social development in China. He suggested that the publication of books by Russian authors should continue in China, and Chinese authors should be published in Russia, which, in his opinion, would contribute to the development of cultural exchange and mutual understanding between the two nations.

In his speech Viktor Slipenchuk spoke about his work, the influence of Li Bai, Du Fu and other Chinese poets and philosophers on his creative development and shared impressions of his stay in China. The audience, which included Chinese specialists in Russian philology, college professors and students teaching and studying the Russian language, as well as representatives of Russian organizations and companies operating in China, were also interested in Viktor Slipenchuk’s poems from various periods of his creative life. The audience was enthralled with the author’s latest poems written in the so-called “primitive” style available on the author’s website at
Mr Viktor Trifonovich Slipenchuk is a renowned Russian poet and novelist. He was born on September 22, 1941 in the Chernigovka village of the Primorsk Territory. At the age of fourteen, he had his first poem published in a local paper Chernigovsky Kolkhoznik. He worked as an explorer, machine fitter, carpenter, concrete worker, and livestock specialist. He was promoted from sailor to first mate on a large fish trawler-refrigerator (City of Nakhodka).

In the mid-1960s he started writing actively. He worked as a senior editor of the Altai regional television station for the Altai Land and Altai’s Youth shows. From the mid-1970s through the early 1980s, he was an in-house correspondent of the regional newspaper Altai’s Youth and was a writer for the All-Union Komsomol Top-Priority Construction Project Koksokhim (Zarinsk, Altai Region).

In 1964 he graduated from Omsk Agricultural Institute. From 1983 through 1985 he attended the Higher Course of Literature at the Literature Institute named after M. Gorky (Moscow). From 1985 through 1996 he was in charge of the local literature association at the Novgorodsky Komsomolets newspaper, director of the Literature Fund of the Novgorod Writers’ Association, editor and host of the radio show Literary Novgorod. From 1989 through 1999 he was the editor in chief of the Veche newspaper of the Novgorod Writers’ Association.
Since 1982 he has been a member of the Writers’ Union of the USSR.

Chinese readers are familiar with Slipenchuk’s work. In 2009 the Chinese publishing house Modernity published a collection of his stories Laughing Kewpie Doll and his novel Zinziver. Presentations of these books were a great success in Beijing and Shanghai during the Year of the Russian Language in China.


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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