13日  9月  2011年
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL supported the charity Children's and Youth Football Tournament

Investment and Financial Company METROPOL has supported the charity tournament - Russian Cup qualifying competitions among the teams of children's homes. The tournament, which took place on 7th and 8th of September 2011, was attended by children between the ages of 12 and 14 from 12 boarding schools. The event was organized by VIASAT SPORT TV channel in conjunction with the Charity Fund "Share Warmth", a professional football club CSKA Moscow with the support of the Russian Premier League.
The games in groups took place on the first day, as well as the quarter finals, which determined the finalists. They were the team "Kalach" of the Kalachevskaya boarding school (Voronezh region), "Yesenin" of the Rybnovskaya boarding school (Ryazan region), "Sozvezdie" of boarding school of Music and Art Education and a team from Yaroslavl "Kireevsk" of the Kireevskaya boarding school (Tula region). The young football players of teams "Kireevsk" and "Kalach" have been qualified for the finals of the tournament of "Cup of Peace and Reconciliation MTG". It was the "Kalach" team that won the decisive final match with the score 2-0. This team will go now to Norway to participate in the finals of "MTG United for Peace Cup" on soccer among children from European countries, which is devoted to the announcement the Nobel Prize winners.
Employees Investment and Financial Company METROPOL provided the financial support to the team of Soviet boarding school in Tula region, and also provided the participant of the tournament with meals and transportation.
The participants of the tournament were also supported by the players of CSKA Moscow - Seydou Doumbia, Evgeny Aldonin, Zoran Tosic, Alan Dzagoev, Elver Rahimic, Sekou Olis, Aleksey Berezutsky and the head coach of the football club Leonid Slutsky. Football players took part in the awarding ceremony, presented promotional gifts from PFC CSKA and organizers and, of course, cups and medals to the winners and medallists of the tournament. Children talked with Nastya Osipova from "Blestyashchie", Anna Chapman, Vladimir Tyagichev, Aristarkh Venes, as well as Dan Rapport, who led the delegation of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL.
The combined efforts of sponsors and organizers helped to create a wonderful festive atmosphere which prevailed at the event all day long. The holiday will be long in the memory of children: the master classes in yoga, capoeira, makeup, and the fun starts with fun sports took place along with games. A mobile photo studio was available for all kids, who wanted to print some memorable pictures with famous stars, which attended the tournament. All participants of the tournament received valuable gifts.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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