02日  8月  2007年
The structure of METROPOL Group of companies includes insurance company "RK-GUARANT"

The METROPOL Group of companies acquired 100 % of voting shares of one of the oldest Russian insurance companies - JSC “Insurance company “RK – Guarant”.
Joint-Stock Company "RK-Guarant" offers to private and corporate clients 19 kinds of insurance (58 Rules of insurance). Among them there are services for property insurance, professional and civil liability insurance, vehicle insurance, cargo transportation insurance, insurance against enterprise and financial risks, and also insurance programs for corporate clients. The company has the extensive regional network numbering now 35 branches.
Joint-Stock Company "RK-Guarant" is the universal company with modern technological structure. The basic priority of its activity is organization of conducting insurance business according to the international standards. Joint-Stock Company "RK-Guarantor" has reliable reinsurance protection of the insurance portfolio in leading foreign and Russian reinsurance companies, conducts flexible investment policy. These factors provide additional guarantee of execution by the company of its obligations.
Purchase of an insurance company is the next stage on the way of creation within in the network of METROPOL Group of companies of the next financial concern that integrates complementary business groups: management of assets, realization of investment projects and, accordingly, insurance against investors’ risks.
The METROPOL Group of companies with the usage of its advantages of powerful corporate structure plans further growth of client base of Joint-Stock Company “Insurance company "RK-Guarant“ and development of some new investment-insurance products.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year