12日  9月  2011年
METROPOL Group of Companies: new possibilities for tourism development

Resident company of the «Baikal harbor» Special Economic Zone of tourism and vacation type, "Putnik" (included in METROPOL Group of Companies) has acquired a new tourism assets on Lake Baikal - the tourist centres "Bogatyr" and "Lukomorye" as well as cruise ship "Atlant". This opens up new opportunities for tourism development in the Baikal region.
"The cruise ship - one of the first acquisitions of "Putnik", this is a specific investment. The cruise ship will be used in the Special Economic Zone. Thus, we begin to develop specific tourist products" - so has commented the acquisition the director of the Directorate of international, regional and public relation of METROPOL Group of Companies Bair Tsyrenov. In addition, according to him, "foreign tourists prefer small "family-type" hotels, motels, and there is an acute shortage of quality and affordable tourism services in the region, and with the help of our new assets, we will be able to fill out this shortage".
Boarding houses "Bogatyr" and "Lukomorye" prior to their acquisition by METROPOL Group of Companies, were named "Pribaykalskiy" and "Podlemorye" respectively. "Bogatyr" is located in the Pribaykalskiy district and "Lukomorye" in the Barguzinskiy district.
Bogatyr" - is tourist centre for 44 persons in the wooden 2-storey cottages. Boarding house is located on the southern outskirts of the Gremyachinsk village and directly borders with the virgin forests and high bank of the Kika river. This is a great place for families and youth recreation. The complex includes recreational centre with a restaurant and a conference room, Russian sauna, and billiards. Tourist centre is located just 5 minutes away from Lake Baikal. The shore is sandy in this place and is a spit that separates the Baikal and the river floodplain. The observation deck of the restaurant has a beautiful view of the lake.
"Lukomorye" is a well-developed tourist centre in Maksimikha village. The tourist centre is only 10 meters away from the shore of Baikal. "Lukomorye" has developed entrances for vehicles on the territory from the side of the village and roads along the bay. Total area of buildings of the tourist centre is 1264 sq. m., including sport courts and playgrounds. The originality and the size of the attic space of the tourist center can diversify the options for its use: winter garden, a games room, conference facilities for up to 60 people, etc. A warm summer bay and sandy beach will not leave indifferent even the most demanding vacationers.
The cruise ship "Atlant", equipped with a full set of navigation equipment, satellite telephone, motor and fishing boats will help you witness and experience the beauty of world heritage - Lake Baikal. Nine cabins are located on two levels and are designed for comfortable accommodation of 14-18 passengers. Safety is provided with a two steam-ship rescue rafts for 20 persons each, life jackets, a modern fire alarm system, first aid kit, low flotation, low windage of the vessel, and of course, by a professional team.
Lake Baikal is a sacred place and it is considered a big success to visit it. The unique nature of Lake Baikal is obvious: it is the purest, the deepest freshwater lake in the world. Rest on Baikal is a choice of those who appreciate pristine nature, and looking for an unforgettable experience. New tourism facilities of METROPOL Group of Companies are ready to provide guests of Lake Baikal with such opportunity.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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