04日  4月  2008年
The presentation of “Metropoliya” project for representatives of the major Japanese development and architectonic companies took place in Tokyo

The presentation of “Metropoliya” project took place in the HQ of the Japanese association of the international construction on April, 4. The presentation was organized by the Ministry of the state grounds, infrastructures and transport of Japan, METROPOL Group and the leading architecturally company of Japan Nikken Sekkei. In the presentation took part above 50 persons, representing 30 of the largest Japanese development and architectonic companies with experience in realization of large-scale architectonic projects outside Japan, including Sumitomo Realty & Development, Mori Building, Taisei Construction, Mitsui Fudousan, Mitsui Sumitomo Kensetsu, etc.
The Head of METROPOL Group M. Slipenchuk acquainted the visitors of the presentation with the business of the Group. M. Slipenchuk reported about development line of activity of METROPOL Group and about “Metropoliya” project in particular. M. Slipenchuk expressed the confidence, that this project will become the symbol of strengthening of the Russian-Japanese relations in the sphere of economy. M. Slipenchuk invited Japanese architectonic and development companies to participate in the project.
Mitsuo Nakamura, President of “Nikken Sekkei” company, welcomed the Russian delegation and appreciated cooperation with METROPOL Group.
Then the executive director of Nikken Sekkei T. Nakavake gave a comparative analysis of the Moscow and Tokyo real estate market. He emphasized high investment appeal of “Metropoliya” project to the Japanese businessmen. T. Nakavake spoke about the conception of “Metropoliya” project and emphasized, that in its designing Nikken Sekkei uses the advanced technologies to create a complex in which the economic efficiency and the environmental care would be harmoniously combined.
In the end of the presentation M. Slipenchuk, M. Nakamura and T. Nakavake answered numerous questions of visitors’. The presentation confirmed once again the high interest of the international investors to “Metropoliya’ project.
The nearest plans of METROPOL Group include the representation of “Metropoliya” project and other large development projects at international exhibition Cityscape in Abu-Dhabi in May, 2008.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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