16日  9月  2011年
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL took part in Cbonds conference in London

On the 15th and 16th of September the second annual conference II Cbonds Russia & CIS Fixed Income Conference, was hold in London (UK), which has already become a traditional meeting place for Russian and Western specialists on the debt instrument market. Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was the general sponsor of the event.
180 participants were registered at the conference this year. Representatives of Russian and international banks, various groups of institutional investors, issuers from Russia and other CIS countries, public authorities and market infrastructure, discussed a wide range of issues, including global macroeconomic situation, the Eurobond market in Russia and CIS, listened to the presentation of international investors. Of particular interest was the session devoted to the Russian bond market: analysts of the leading companies reported on market developments in 2011, new trends and prospects for their development. 
Pyotr Kadysh, head of the department on analysis of debt instruments and derivative of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, gave a report on the competitive positions of the bonds of companies of the electricity sector, on working with which specializes Investment and Financial Company METROPOL. Mr Kadysh said that analysts of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL conducted an analysis to see how the financing of large investment projects in electric power industry will affect the debt burden of the sector. According to him, the switch of grid companies to the methodology of tariff formation RAB is a positive factor that reduces the credit risk, as return on invested capital and return on investments are guaranteed for the representatives of the industry. Another major factor for the growth of profitability and credit risk reduction in the long run is the introduction of a contracts mechanism for project capacities for the generating companies. At the same time the lag between investment and the launch of new generation projects will trigger the growth of credit risk of a number of generating companies because of the increased debt burden. The presentations were followed by a discussion - a representative of the Ministry of Finance of RF Konstantin Vyshkovsky asked the speaker a number of questions.
Analytic products of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, which were presented at the booth of the company, aroused great interest among the conference participants: a monthly macroeconomic review, reviews of issuers - companies in the electricity sector. A new analytical tool developed by the company - calculator of Metropol's hedging, allowing to determine the optimal number of futures on federal loan bonds for hedging the bonds portfolio, was also shown at the booth. 
Participation Investment and Financial Company METROPOL in the Cbonds conference again emphasizes that the company is one of the most active and ambitious players at the Russian market of debt instruments. Company experts always know where the market is, which allows to combine both broad market coverage, and accurate and clear information in respect of all of its components, and, consequently, to create high-quality products and services.
The next event of Cbonds, to be attended by Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, will be the "Russian Bond Congress", which is Russia's largest conference on  debt securities market. The congress will be held in December 2011 in Saint Petersburg.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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