28日  4月  2012年
IFC METROPOL acted as a leading co-organizer in the regular issue of bonds by FGC RPG.

IFC METROPOL acted as leading co-organizer of the 12th issue of OJSC UES FGC bonds amounting to 10 billion roubles with a 7-year maturity and an offer in 4 years.  The placement of the bonds took place on April 27, 2011.

By the time of book closing the demand from investors exceeded the volume of placement 1.4 times. The investors' pool included banks, investment companies and management companies.

Tentative rate of the 1st coupon was originally set in the range of 8,2-8,4% per annum, then it was brought down to 8,1-8,2% per annum.  The final reference point corresponds to a yield of 4-year offer at the rate of 8,26 to 8,37% per annum. 
In June, 2011 Federal Financial Markets Service registered the issue of bonds of FGC EES of series 12-20 for a total amount of 125 billion rubles. In these issues IFC METROPOL participated   as the lead co-organizer. Given the volume of new issue the scope of the bonds of FGC EES in circulation will increase up to to 115 billion rubles. 
Funds received as a result of such issue can be used to finance the investment program of FGC EES, as well as to refinance previous indebtedness. 
The transaction was organized by the Renaissance Capital Bank, Gasprombank, VTB Capital and Sberbank of Russia. IFC METROPOL was the leading organizer of the transaction.

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Federal Grid Company EES OJSC (FGC EES) is the operator of the Unified National (All-Russia) electric grid (UNEG) in Russia.  Transmission facilities of the Federal Grid Company are located in 73 regions of Russia with a total area of more than 13.6 million square kilometers.  The company operates 121 thousand kilometers of transmission lines and 800 power substations with a total installed transformer capacity of more than 305.5 thousand MBA with 35-1150 kV voltage.  The authorized capital of FGC EES amounts to 627 billion 974 million 064 thousand 196 rubles 50 kopecks and is divided into ordinary shares with par value 0.5 rubles. The state’s stake as of that date makes up 79.48%, the unified stake owned by minority shareholders (470 thousand) - 20.52% shares of FGC.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was founded in 1995. It provides brokerage and dealer services in the markets of debt and equity capital, renders services in corporate finance including M&A, as well as in raising debt and equity financing, sale of assets, financial and corporate consulting.  The National Rating Agency awarded IFC METROPOL with an "AAА", its maximum ranking for reliability. IFC METROPOL is a laureate of the National award “Company of the year of 2011” in the  “Financial company of the year” nomination.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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