22日  7月  2011年
IFC Metropol acted as a leading co-organizer of the latest bond issue by FGC UES

IFC Metropol acted as a leading co-organizer of the latest issue of bonds series 19 by OJSC FGC UES, amounting to 20 billion roubles and maturing in 7 years. The issue was successfully accomplished on July 21, 2011. According to the MICEX Trading System, some 58 deals with the bonds were recorded on the day of issue.
The transaction aroused great interest in the investment community, namely: at the close, the bookbuilding was oversubscribed more than twofold as compared to the initially planned flotation value. The pool of investors includes banks (70%), investment companies (26%), and management companies (4%).
The final coupon rate when placing the issue was 7.95%, i.e. 25 basis points lower the initially announced cap of the benchmark as per the coupon rate, and 4 basis points lower the coupon rate for the previous 7-year bond issue by FGC UES placed on October 29, 2010.
Placement of the bond issue made the second successful transaction conducted by OJSC FGC UES in this month: on July 5, the company accomplished a bond issue amounting to 10 billion roubles and maturing in 10 years, in which IFC Metropol acted as a leading co-organizer.
Organizers of the transaction: Renaissance Capital, Gazprombank, VTB Capital, and Sberbank of Russia. Leading co-organizers: IFC METROPOL and OJSC JSCB Svyaz-Bank. Co-organizer: CJSC GLOBEXBANK. Underwriter: LLC CB National Standard. OJSC FGC UES was established pursuant to the RF Electric Power Industry Restructuring Program as an organization to operate the Unified National Electric Grid (UNEG). Main activities are: operation of UNEG; provision of services to the wholesale market entities for electric power transmission and connection to the electric grid; investment activity in the development of UNEG, maintenance of the electric grid in a proper condition; engineering supervision of the state of the network facilities. In 2010, electric supply from the UNEG networks totaled 470,648,072 million kWh. OJSC FGC UES is a member of the corporate bond market. Prior to the issue of bonds series 13, bonds series 02 and 04 amounting to 7 billion and 6 billion roubles respectively and maturing in five years were in circulation.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was founded in 1995. It performs broking, provides services to participate in deals for rearrangement, purchase and sale, crisis management of enterprises, procurement of debt and equity capital, asset sales, and financial and corporative consulting. The company enjoys a solid experience in public (IPO, SPO) and private placement of securities. IFC METROPOL’s individual rating given by National Rating Agency is AAA (the highest reliability).


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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