21日  10月  2011年
METROPOL Group acts as a partner of the gala-concert of international creative project Stradivarius-dialog

Stradivarius-Dialogue is a unique cultural project of French and Russian Dialogue Association. The co-presidents of the association are the president of Russian railroads OJSC Vladimir Yakunin from Russian part and honorary chairman of Total S.A. Terry Demare.
Artistic project Stradivarius-dialog served as a symbolic bond between the previous year of France in Russia and current year of Italy in Russia. Stradivarius-dialog gala concert became a world premiere that brought together several masterpieces of the great master on one stage. On October 20, 2011 five violins, an alto and a violoncello of Antonio Stradivarius, the great Italian master, played in the Great Hall of Moscow conservatoire. The legendary instruments showed their brilliant abilities in the hands of young musicians representing Russia and France.
Students and postgraduates of Moscow conservatorium competed to participate in this glorious event. During the gala concert young laureates of well-known international contests performed together with Moskovia Chamber orchestra led by Professor Eduard Grach, People’s Artist of the USSR.
The instruments were provided by State Central museum of musical culture named after M.Glinka, where State collection of unique musical instruments of the Russian Federation has been kept since 2010.
“Our rich experience in safe keeping and restoration of musical instruments shows that in order to live, the instruments must play.  The participants in Stradivarius-Dialog had a rare possibility to play original instruments made by the unrivalled Stradivarius” – said Mikhail Bryzgalov, director of State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after M.Glinka.
Famous French art patron and wine maker Bernard Magre also provided a unique violin from his collection. He named the masterpiece of Stradivarius after one of his chateaus – the famous Fombrauge.
“Artistic and cultural partnership is a part of my values system representing moral values that I can not deny. When you have a chance for success you need to share I with someone” – this is the life motto of Bernard Magre. Institut Culturel, a charity fund founded by him, supports young talents in the sphere of modern art, literature and music and in particular is planning an event of the same kind in France.
“The masterpieces of famous masters should be given to the society as historical and cultural heritage. This is the main purpose of Stradivarius-dialog” – specified Alexandr Sokolov, rector of Moscow conservatoire named after P.Tchaikovsky in the opening address.
The gala concert of Stradivarius-dialog was organized by Moscow conservatoire named after P.Tchaikovsky, State Central Museum of Musical Culture named after M.Glinka and wine trading company Alianta Group.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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