29日  10月  2010年
Zapsibgazprom Hands Over First Facilities in Baikal Harbor Tourist Area

On 27 October 2010, Zapsibgazprom, managed by METROPOL Group of Companies, commissioned the first seven facilities of the first phase of construction of the Baikal Harbor Special Economic Zone of tourism and vacation type. Up to now, the state has invested RUB 432 million in the project.

During a ceremony at the Turka construction site, M.V. Slipenchuk, Head of METROPOL Group of Companies, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Zapsibgazprom, handed to A.E. Chepik, Vice Prime Minister for Economic Development of the Republic of Buryatia, commissioning permits for the sewage and water supply systems, electrical substation, horizontal leveling and landscaping, as well as the embankment.

The first facilities were commissioned two months ahead of schedule, which reflects the principal attitude of the general contractor Zapsibgazprom to deliver speed, as well as quality. The early commissioning was also made possible by a streamlined procurement system: most construction materials and equipment had been supplied from the company’s factories.

At the commissioning ceremony, Slipenchuk and Chepik were joined by M.M. Gershevich, Chairman of the National Khural, T.G. Dumnova, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Buryatia, V.V. Mazur, General Director of Zapsibgazprom, N.I. Bykov, head of OJSC SEZ branch, S.A. Semenov, Head of Administration of Municipal District Pribaikalye Region, and other government and business representatives.

Mr. Chepik expressed his satisfaction with the progress at the Turka construction site of the Baikal Harbor, mentioning that the state funds invested in the project are being used efficiently. Mr. Slipenchuk noted that the success of a project of this kind is only possible within the frames of a public-private partnership.

Each new stage of development of the Baikal Harbor is making the project even more attractive for investment. Currently, there are nine residents registered in the Baikal Harbor, whose investments will be used in 2011 to build a hotel, a yacht club, and other recreational facilities. The total private investment will be around RUB 3.5 billion.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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