30日  6月  2011年
The investment and finance company METROPOL organized a press-breakfast dedicated to the development of a bonds Index of the electric power industry

On June, 29th a press-breakfast dedicated to the emergence of a new analytical product by IFC METROPOL – a bonds index of the electric power industry – was held at Pushkin café.
The journalists representing the leading financial media took part in the event. The speakers from IFC METROPOL were Arthur Plaude, Managing director of debt instruments and derivatives department and Pyotr Kadysh, head of debt instruments and derivatives analytical division. Pyotr Kadysh inaugurated the business-related part of the event by making a presentation of the METROPOL bonds index for the electric power industry. He explained to the media representatives the unique features of the Index whose mission is to become a benchmark-index – an industry control index that would allow tracking the performance of managing assets and investment portfolios.

“IFC METROPOL is a market maker at the electric energy industry bonds market; we are always aware of where the market is at any given moment of time. We can combine both wide market coverage and precise and accurate information with regard to all its components, which has allowed us to come forward with a new prime-quality product that the industry needs”, - emphasized Pyotr. He elaborated on why the new product would undoubtedly be demanded by the market. The present need of the product is determined by the fact that the interest of the investors concerning the electrical energy industry has been steadily increasing: the companies operating in this industry have to commit resources for implementation of investment programs and the debt capital market for them is an attractive source of financing. More and more portfolios and co-op share funds will include the electric energy industry securities.
This indicator was developed in accordance with the recommendations given by the CFA Institute and it fully meets international standards for building stock indices. The information on this indicator is at the Bloomberg and Cbonds Internet resources as well as on the company’s site in both graphical and archived data register formats.   

Arthur Plaude in his turn told the journalists about the directions of operatiing of IFC METROPOL’s debt instruments and derivatives department and the main achievements of his department. “Despite the fact that IFC METROPOL is a newcomer on the debt instruments market, the company has already been able to obtain substantial results. We are indeed a market maker with regard to bonds of the electric energy industry companies; our market share is estimated at 40%. We have made it to the top ten companies considering the turnover at the Moscow inter-bank currency exchange in terms of bonds and we have very ambitious plans regarding entering the primary market. At present we are proud to have participated in the issuance of bonds as a leading co-organizer and underwriter. METROPOL has never acted as an organizer before but it is only a matter of time”.

Pytotr Kadysh stated that at this moment the debt instruments and derivatives analytical directorate specializes in two fields: electric energy industry bonds sector and macroeconomic indicators since the latter influence directly the debt instruments market: “We have several products to offer: weekly and monthly macroeconomic reviews and electric energy industry market reviews, emitters reviews, investment ideas and macro reviews”. 

The journalists were eager to ask questions regarding the Index and other analytic products offered by IFC METROPOL, questions regarding the company’s current activity at the debt instruments market as well as questions with regard to future plans. The representatives of the mass media were equally interested in the opinions of the company’s experts regarding the development trends of the Russian and international bonds markets and by the consensus projections.
In general the meeting was conducted in a businesslike and friendly atmosphere.  


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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