07日  12月  2011年
IFC METROPOL acts as a lead co-manager for a bond issue together with ANK Bashneft OJSC

IFC METROPOL acts as a lead co-manager for a bond issue together with ANK Bashneft OJSC. This is the first allocation of stock exchange bonds of series БО-01 issued by this vertically integrated oil company. The amount of the issue is 10 bln roubles and the term of circulation is equal to 3 years with a two-year offer.

The issue was completed on December 6, 2011. According to MICEX  Stock Exchange, 70 applications were submitted by   investors for stock exchange bonds of series БО-01 issued by Bashneft. The total scope of demand for the obligations in the course of marketing campaign was 20,932.6 mln roubles.
Initial price range on the coupon rate was set on the level of 9,50 – 9.95%, however high demand shown by the investors led to its reduction.  The final coupon rate was  9.35% p.a.
The transaction was organized by GPB OJSC and Sberbank of Russia OJSC. IC Troika-Dialog CJSC acted as a co-organizer. IFC METROPOL was the leading organizer of the transaction.

# # #
ANK Bashneft OJSC is a vertically integrated oil company formed on the basis of major enterprises of fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Bashkortostan.  The company is ranked among the top ten enterprises of Russia in oil extraction and top five in oil processing.

Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was founded in 1995. The company offers brokerage and dealer services as well as services for participation in restructuring transactions, purchase and sale, attracting debt and equity capital, sales of assets, and financial and corporate consulting services. The company has accumulated great experience in public (IPO, SPO) and private security placements. The National Rating Agency ranks IFC Metropol at "AAА", its maximum ranking for reliability.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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