07日  12月  2011年
METROPOL Group introduces Zorikto Dorzhiev to the Brits

A personal exhibition of Zorikto Dorzhiev entitled “Steppe History” was opened on November 22 in London, in one of the most famous British museums – Victoria and Albert Museum. The exhibition showed more than 50 art objects – paintings, drawings and sculptures created by the famous Buryat artist within the period from 2005 to 2011, as well as his new books an video projects.   Among them there are the images of warriors and beauties, old men and children, horses and birds, different scenes from everyday life.

The exhibition was supported by the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United Kingdom. Alexander Yakovenko, the ambassador of Russian in the UK, delivered a greeting speech during the opening ceremony that took place in Victoria and Albert Museum and was organized by Khankhalaev Gallery (Moscow) and London PR-agency Red Square (organizers of Mikhail Gorbachev’s anniversary ceremony in Albert-Hall. London). The guests of the exhibition had a chance to listed to guttural singing performed by   world-famous master Abler Muezzin. This type of singing is unknown in the Western world. A fashion parade inspired by the motives of Zorikto’s art took place.

METROPOL Group acted as one of the sponsors of Zorikto Dorzhiev’s exhibition. The team of the company’s London office - Metropol UK – and invited clients of the Group appreciated the organization of the opening ceremony.

The exhibition arose interest on the part of both Western visitors and   representatives of Russian-speaking circles residing in the UK. Paintings and other works by Zorikto Dorzhiev are stylistically different from the common-run art forms that people are used to, and that is why even the spoilt British art lovers got deeply interested in them. The visitors learned about the beauty and richness of Buryatia, its national traditions and peculiarities. In his art Dorzhiev celebrates the beauty of his motherland and Buryatia people. The support of the Russian Embassy gave the event an official touch – Russian regions must be known outside the Russian Federation. Buryatia is interested in the attraction of investments and business contact and always welcomes tourists that are attracted by the pearl of this area of lakes and rivers – the lake of Baikal.

The exhibition of Zorikto Dorzhiev’s works is open in London gallery HayHill from November 24 to December 24.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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