12日  4月  2011年
IFC METROPOL acted as the leading co-organizer in the bond issue by Irkutskenergo.

IFC METROPOL acted as the leading co-organizer of the ruble bond issue by OJSC Irkutskenergo power and coal company with a coupon of 7.6% per annum and redemption in 2014.
The issue amount is 3 billion rubles. The nominal value per share is 1,000 rubles. The placement of coupon bonds will start on April 12, 2011. The bid book was closed on April 8, 2011. According to the MICEX trading system, 61 transactions were registered with the company’s bonds. The purpose of the issue is refinancing the credit portfolio, current financing and investments in enhancing the reliability of Irkutskenergo production.

Irkutsk Joint-Stock Company of Power Industry and Electrification Irkutskenergo is a powerful production facility located in the Irkutsk Region and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The facility includes a cascade of three hydroelectric power plants built on the only river flowing out of the Baikal Lake (Angara), nine heat units in major cities of the Irkutsk Region, six surface coal mines of LLC Vostsibugol Company producing stone and brown coal, two loading and transport administrations and a processing plant. OJSC Irkutskenergo was established in 1992. The Federal Agency for State Property Management owns 40% of Irkutskenergo’s shares, and 50.19% of shares are held by EvroSibEnergo, Russia’s largest private power company (owned by En + Group).

Investment Financial Company METROPOL was established in 1995. It provides brokerage services, services for participation in reorganization, purchase and sale transactions, crisis management, attracting borrowed and equity capital, sale of assets, financial and corporate consulting. The Company arranges IPO, secondary emission and allocation of private blocks of shares. The National Rating Agency assigned to IFC METROPOL an individual reliability rating of AAA (maximum reliability).


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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