10日  2月  2011年
IFC METROPOL Undergoes Restructuring and Augments Its Team

IFC METROPOL has undergone restructuring and augmented its team under the management of CEO A.O.Rodzianko. In the framework of restructuring the investment banking segment of the company was divided into five integrated departments: Share Capital Market Department, Analytical Department, Portfolio Investment Department, Corporate Finance Department and Debt Instruments and Derivatives Department. They will report to six top managers, respectively: Dan Rapoport (Managing Director), Mark Rubenstein (Head of Department), Hawk Sunshine (Managing Director), Ekaterina Akhanova (Managing Director). The management of the Debt Instruments and Derivatives Department is distributed between two Managing Co-Directors – Arthur Plaude and Sergey Kolesnikov.

During 2010 IFC METROPOL consistently implemented a strategy to strengthen the investment banking segment by hiring famous industry professionals: in the spring the company reached agreement on cooperation with Dan Rapoport, specializing in second tier stock deals; in the summer Arthur Plaude, who has worked in the debt instruments and derivatives market for 16 years, joined the company. In the fall Aleksey Rodzianko took the post of CEO of IFC METROPOL.

The new structure has new positions for analysts and therefore the coverage of companies has widened. In particular, within the Analytical Department the position of the Head of Analytics on Debt Markets appeared, and was taken by Peter Kadysh, formerly a market strategist at Norvik Alternative Investments. Simultaneously with Peter Kadysh, Konstantin Reily, senior analyst on power industry, joined the company.

According to CEO of IFC METROPOL A.O.Rodzianko, the HR strategy implemented by the company now is far from its completion.

- Here in METROPOL, we see considerable opportunities to grow our business and we believe that further restructuring will help us take up a significant part of the investment banking services market, - underlined A.O.Rodzianko.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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