24日  1月  2007年
January, 23rd, 2007 in hotel Baltschug Kempinski M.V.Slipenchuk, General director of IFC METROPOL, took part in the round table on the theme "Prospect of the Russian-Swedish mining dialogue

The event was organized by Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia" with the support of Lundin Mining company (Sweden) and the St.-Petersburg State Institute of Mines. Creation of the enterprise "Ozernoe mining plant” was the reason for the beginning of such a dialogue.
In work of the round table also took part the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden in Russia Yohan Molander, the counselor of the President of the Russian Federation S.N.Samoylov, Deputy head of Federal Agency on subsoil usage V.N. Bavlov, the First vice-president RSPP A.V. Murychev, the counselor on economy of embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Russia Yorgen Sandstrem, Chairman of directors board of Lundin Mining and "Vostok Nafta" Lukas Lundin, President of Lundin Mining Charles-Axel Vaplan, the General director of Corporation "Metals of Eastern Siberia" Oleg Mikhaylenko, The General Director Ozernoe GOK Leyf Engstrem, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Science A.P. Kapitsa, Chairman of directors of Lundin Petroleum Jan Lundin, Director on marketing the Swedish mining association Thomas From, Director of Institute of Regional Policy B.V.Stolyarov, the President of Corporation TVEL A.J.Badenkov, the Provost of the Mining College V.L. Trushko, the provost of the Swedish technological university Michael Johnson.
All present noted the great importance of the mining project which is carried out by joint efforts of METROPOL Group and Lundin Mining both from economic and political point of view. The counselor of the President of the Russian Federation S.N. Samoylov, summing up the meeting, emphasized: "I would like to wish to the project good luck and hope that the union of two companies will be strong and efficient. I hope that the dialogue that has begun here will turn to a serious platform for an exchange of experience, for occurrence of new investment projects and for strengthening friendship between our countries”.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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