21日  11月  2007年
In the framework of a business trip to Vietnam meetings of M.V. Slipenchuk with the members of the Vietnamese Government took place

The Chairman of the Russian part of the Russian-Vietnamese Business Council (RVBC), M. V. Slipenchuk, held operative meetings with the first Vice-Premier of the Government of Vietnam Nguen Shin Hung and Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Do Huu Hao.
Main attention at the meeting with the first Vice-Premier Nguen Shin Hung was given to the search of the ways to the further improvement in the sphere of economical cooperation between Russia and Vietnam and increasing commodities circulation between two countries. M. Slipechuk particularly underlined the importance of developing bank, mining and investment business of the Russian companies in Vietnam. "We are also prepared to help the Vietnamese enterprises to establish contacts with Russian partners and develop business at the Russian market", he said. Mikhail Victorovitch also expressed condolences to the Vietnamese people in connection with multitudinous victims of the inundation in the country.
In the course of the meeting with Do Hou Xiao, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, there were discussed in detail the vital questions of the work by the Russian – Vietnam Business Council and also the perspectives of the investment projects of the Russian companies in Vietnam.
Summing up the results of the visit to Hanoi and the meetings held, M. Slipenchuk noted: "The fastest may become the relationship between the financial structures of Russia and Vietnam, including those between banks, operating in the sphere of securities". Also in accordance with his opinion, the perspective spheres of cooperation between two countries are the mining industry, tourist business and trade in the light industry goods and food.
One more important task of the RVBC, by M. Slipenchuk, is the assistance to the middle and small business, which, "differently to the large enterprises, is in great need of the Council's support in order to create direct contacts and select reliable partners at the first stage of activities".
M. Slipenchuk further informed that in the nearest future a representation of METROPOL Group in Vietnam would be opened.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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