09日  9月  2011年
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL and RTS talked about futures trading at federal loan bond

On September 7, 2011 Investment and Financial Company METROPOL and RTS gathered financial market participants in the exchange office to discuss trading strategies in the futures market at federal loan bond. The meeting was attended by over 50 representatives of brokerage houses and investment firms, employees of stock exchange, and financial analysts.

The participants were welcomed by the Director of the division of derivatives market of RTS Evgeniy Serdyukov. He told that since February 2011, during futures trading at federal loan bonds, RTS has made two deliveries and received many inquiries from market participants to implement new tools for federal loan bonds. Mr Serdyukov also said that from July 2011 RTS started calculation of market participant ratings in futures on bonds by results of which Investment and Financial Company METROPOL immediately took the lead. 
Arthur Plaude, Director of the division on debt instruments and derivatives of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, presented to the participants of the meeting the Division headed by himself, describing the lines of its activities and results that the team of the department was ale to reach within a year of work.

Semen Odintsov, the Director of the department on debt syndicate of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL continued the discussion. In his speech, he reviewed the trading strategies with futures on federal loan bonds and showed the possibilities of their use with the examples. The meeting participants were able to verify that the proposed strategies are relatively risk free and profitable.

Pyotr Kadysh the head of the department on analysis of debt instruments and derivatives, presented new products of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, developed for work with futures for federal loan bonds basket. Calculator of Metropol's hedging and indices of profitability on federal loan bonds basket.

Calculator of Metropol's hedging is a unique analytical tool to determine the optimal number of futures on federal loan bonds to hedge the bonds portfolio. It is designed taking into the account the specifics of the Russian market that allows to maximize the quality of calculations. Calculator is available at the Investment and Financial Company METROPOL website, the values of indices of profitability on federal loan bonds basket - at the Investment and Financial Company METROPOL website and at the website of news agency Bloomberg. 
The official part of the event concluded with a discussion.  Discussion of the meeting and the content of reports continued in the informal atmosphere of reception.

In general, guests appreciated the relevance of the theme of the meeting: a joint effort of stakeholders will contribute to the formation of a liquid market of futures contracts on federal loan bonds.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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