14日  4月  2009年
Chairman of Board of Eurasian Economic Community Business Council M. V. Slipenchuk takes part in EAEC business forum – Investments, Innovations, Integration

The forum held on April, 14 at the International Trade Centre in Moscow was organized by Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC)  Business Council Non-Commercial Partnership with in the active involvement and support of the EAEC Integration Committee, the Russian Association of Financial Industrial Groups, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, METROPOL Group, Eurasian Development Bank and Astana-Finance. IA Interfax, Izvestia newspaper, RBC and the telecommunications company MIR acted as information partners.
The task of the forum was to consolidate the business communities of EAEC member countries given the current global economic crisis.
The forum was attended by EAEC General Secretary T.A. Mansurov, Chairman of the Coordination Council of “EAEC Business Council”  Non-Commercial Partnership and President of the Russian Association of Financial Industrial Groups O.N. Soskovets, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs A.N. Shokhin, Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry G.G. Petrov, Chairman of Board of EAEC Business Council and Head of METROPOL Group of companies M.V. Slipenchuk, Eurasian Development Bank Chairman I.V. Finogenov, Astana-Finance Chairman K.K. Islamov and other representatives of public and international organizations and financial and industrial structures of EAEC member states.
The forum participants discussed the most effective forms and methods to implement projects during the crisis, including the principles and regulations of the EAEC Anti-Crisis Fund and the selection criteria for priority projects of interregional significance. All the speakers observed the need to set up a customs union in the shortest possible timeframe. The development of cutting edge technologies was also mentioned as an important factor to improve the economic efficiency of EAEC member countries.
On the basis of the Forum results and the proposals put forward, a final resolution will be accepted and recommendations prepared on the development and consolidation of cooperation between EAEC countries in view of today's conditions.

Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC)
The Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC) is an international economic organization formed in October 2000 to ensure the dynamic development of member countries by coordinating their social and economic transformation through the effective use of their economic potential. The Community is made up of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; observer countries are Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine. 
The EAEC was set up for the purpose of effectively promoting the formation of a Customs Union across the single economic space of the member states and coordinating their approaches to integration into the global economy and international trade system. The organization is vested with functions related to the setting of common external trade borders between countries and the development of a single foreign economic policy, tariffs, prices and other elements of a functioning common market.
EAEC Business Council Non-Commercial Partnership
EAEC Business Council Non-Commercial Partnership (EBC NP) was created in September 2008 and is a non-commercial organization set up to involve business circles in the integration processes carried out under the EAEC. The founders of the partnership are: the Integrated Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community; the Russian Association of Financial Industrial Groups; the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tens of companies and organizations from member countries that are genuinely interested in establishing economic ties and developing cooperation across the Eurasian economic space have expressed their intention of joining the EBC NP.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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