17日  3月  2009年
IFC METROPOL served as the organizer of presentation seminar of JCS Gazprom for Japanese investors

On March 13, 2009, at the conference hall of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Tokyo, in Tokyo Gazprom presentation seminar for Japanese investors was held. IFC METROPOL became the organizer of the seminar.
Despite the global economic crisis, this event caused a tremendous interest in Japanese financial circles. The seminar was attended by more than 160 people representing leading Japanese banks, as well as brokerages and asset management companies such as the Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Nomura Securities, Daiwa SMBC Securities, Meiji Dresdner, JP Morgan Asset Management, Fortis Asset Management, and others. Besides financial companies, the seminar was also attended by universal commercial companies that included Gazprom’s partners in the Sakhalin 2 project – the Mitsui & Co, the Mitsubishi Corporation, the Itochu Corporation, and the Marubeni Corporation – as well as such major energy companies as Tokyo Gas, Tokyo Electric, Chubu Electric, and Shikoku Electric.
IFC METROPOL Director General M.V. Slipenchuk made brief opening remarks at the start of the presentation. He emphasized that this event not only demonstrated the mutual interest between business circles of Russia and Japan, but also underlined a logical continuation of the cooperation between IFC METROPOL and Gazprom.  Within the framework of this cooperation in 2006 a similar presentation of Gazprom was staged for Japanese investors.  In November 2007, IFC METROPOL served as the financial consultant during Gazprom’s issue of Yen-denominated bonds, whose volume stood at $500 million.
The opening remarks were followed by presentations from the Deputy Chairman of JSC Gazprom Management Committee, Andrei Kruglov, who also serves as Head of JSC Gazprom Finance and Economics Department, and the Deputy Head of JSC Gazprom Finance and Economic Department, I.I. Shatalov.  They provided a detailed account of the company’s business activities and main projects, including Sakhalin 2, which has come to symbolize Russian-Japanese cooperation, as well the company’s development outlook.  After completing their presentations, the speakers responded to question from seminar participants.
Responding to questions from the hall as the seminar came to a close, A. V. Kruglov announced that JSC Gazprom intends to step up its work with Japanese investors.  And making a concrete step in this direction, A. V. Kruglov invited a group of Japanese financial company representatives to visit Russia in the fall of 2009 and tour the company’s main gas deposits, thus better familiarizing themselves with JSC Gazprom’s operations. A. V. Kruglov noted that this trip would be organized jointly with IFC METROPOL representative office in Tokyo.



The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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