29日  9月  2008年
METROPOL Group of companies acted as the General Sponsor of the 2nd Open European Kyokushin-kan Karate-do Championship, which was staged in Moscow

The 2nd Open European Kyokushin-kan Karate-do Championship was held on September 27-28 at the Moscow Martial Arts Center.  The Championship saw men and women of all weight categories compete in kumite, with both male and female athletes also taking part in kata competitions.  METROPOL Group of companies served as the General Sponsor of the Championship.  The competition was held according to International Karate-do Kyokushin-kan Federation rules in three events: kumite, kata and tameshiwari.
By tradition, the Championship is an open event that may be joined by representatives of national organizations of any type or school, as long as they are ready to compete for medals according to Kyokushin-kan rules.  This year, Championship titles were contested by athletes from 20 countries.  The Russian national team was declared the absolute winner of the event, sweeping 26 of the 27 available medals

The Moscow Martial Arts Center (MMAC) was built within the frameworks of a project to construct a multifunctional complex that in addition to the sports center for martial arts also includes administrative and office spaces, stores, and a two-level underground parking facility. 
The project was developed by Metropol Development, a company with vast practical experience in solving investment management assignments for real estate.  The complex’s construction began in March 2007, with the MMAC built and equipped entirely on investor money.  It will be shortly be submitted to the city for the implementation of its children and youth sportsmanship development program.
Thanks to the organized and well-coordinated work, only 18 months passed from the day of the launch of on-site work to the complex’s actual commissioning, which is just half the time of the existing guidelines for the construction of similar-size facilities.
The 8,210-square-meter building housing the Martial Arts Center and accompanying medical and rehabilitation center includes:
• an entrance lobby with a foyer and an elevator for the handicapped;
• a martial arts competition hall with stands for 1,000 people and equipment for conducting training sessions in team sports events;
• three training halls;
• dressing rooms with showers and sanitary facilities;
• training rooms with showers and sanitary facilities;
• administrative, storage, engineering and utility service rooms;
• a medical and rehabilitation center.
With its state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, the Martial Arts Center is ready to host the highest level of competitions.
The participation in the project of distinguished Russian athletes, academic and cultural figures, and representatives from the city administration and Russia’s big business helped create – for the first time in the history of Russian sports – a real foundation for the implementation of a single concept that unites the variety of existing combat sports.  Its developed transport infrastructure makes the Center accessible to Muscovites and suburban city dweller, placing it among Moscow’s most important social facilities.
The MMAC opened on September 3, 2008 at the following address: Moscow, 118 Varshavskoye Highway, building 1.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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