09日  9月  2011年
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL at the "Russian Financier’s Day - 2011".

Investment and Financial Company METROPOL was a partner of the holiday "Russian Financier’s Day - 2011", which the Russian financial community celebrated on September 8.

This year the holiday was first held at the state level; in August 2011 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev established a new professional holiday by his decree – Financier’s Day.

Within the framework of the holiday the gala dinner reception and award ceremony " Reputation of the Year" took place at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The official part of the event was opened by Finance Minister Aleksey Kudrin.

Mikhail Slipenchuk, Director General of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL, who took part in the organizing committee of this celebration, gave an opening speech to all visitors. He noted that the emergence of a new professional holiday is the restoration of historical justice: "There are not so many financiers, but a lot of things depend on us. It's an honour to be a financier, but it's also a huge responsibility. We are always at the forefront, we are building a financial structure and plans for the future. And if there is a crisis, then it hits us first; when it comes to an end - we get out of it first. I am sure, the reputation of the financier, made up of such qualities as integrity, honesty, professionalism and good fortune, must be profitable. I want to wish the profitability of the reputation and success to all the participants of the holiday and all "Reputation of the Year" award nominees !"
Within the framework of the Financier’s Day a campaign entitled "Day of Financial Literacy" took place, in which the experts of the financial market read lectures, held open classes, workshops and business games for students and school children.

Chief Executive Officer of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL Aleksey Rodzyanko hold a seminar at the Russian Plekhanov Academy of Economics. He spoke about his experience in the financial sector and answered questions from students about the current state of the world economy.
The head of the METROPOL department of analysis of debt instruments and derivatives Pyotr Kadysh spoke at the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law about the possibilities of personal investment under conditions of market instability. Director of the department on debt capital markets Vladimir Kutsev read a lecture on "Investment Banks" to the students of Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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