11日  8月  2011年
Head of METROPOL Group Mikhail Slipenchuk is on the second place according to the results of regional primaries in the Republic of Buryatia.

Regional primaries, which were to nominate Buryat candidates for the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, are over in the Republic of Buryatia.

According to the results of the primaries that were held July 20-August 10 in seven areas of the Republic, Head of METROPOL GC Mikhail Slipenchuk, representing the “United National Front” public movement, resulted second with a convincing final score of 1035 votes.

The leader of the primaries is President of the Republic of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn (1360 votes), on the third place with 886 votes is Matvej Gershevich, People's Hural (Buryatia Parliament) Speaker.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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