22日  5月  2012年
The METROPOL Group of Companies participated in a panel discussion on innovative projects in France

On 22 May the representatives of the METROPOL Group of Companies participated in panel discussion “Russian innovative projects and the possibilities of French participation in their implementation.  The experience of clusters foundation and the support of innovative enterprises in France”. The discussion took place in the Chamber of industry and commerce of Paris on May 22, 2012.

Representatives of the French and Russian business circles informed about the upcoming event - "Presentation of tourist potential of the Republic of Buryatia" to be  organized on May 24 by METROPOL Group of Companies, Russian Railways OJSC with the support of French-Russian Dialog Association, the embassy of Russia and Russian trade mission in France. In the course of the meeting the METROPOL Group of Companies presented an investment project for the creation of a tourist recreational zone inside the special economic zone of the Lake Baikal called "Baikal harbor», which is currently under way.

The project involves the use of innovative technologies in the sphere of energy saving, water treatment, etc., which may be interesting for French innovative companies.
The speakers from the Russian side were, in particular, V.V. Bushuyev, the vice-president of French-Russian Dialog Association, M.V. Safronov,  Deputy Trade Representative of Russia in France, as well as I.B. Ruzankina, representative of the Russian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

O.L. Velikoredchanin, head of the department of international activities of IFC METROPOL.

M.V. Safronov,  Deputy Trade Representative of Russia in France, delivers his speech

V.V. Bushuyev, head of the administration of the president of RZD OJSC, vice-president of French-Russian Dialog Association


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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