02日  7月  2010年
Foreign journalists will visit Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye deposits

On July 8-9, 2010 foreign journalists’ press tour to the Republic of Buryatia including Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye deposits visiting will take place. The tour objective is a presentation of  the deposits as investment projects for foreign capital markets.

Besides the visits  to the deposits  the  media-tour participants will take part in the Baikal Economic Conference and presentation of the “Baikal Harbor” Special Economic Zone of tourism and vacation type. Both events are devoted to investing and will logically complement to the overall programme of  business trip to the Republic.

Press-conference with the participation of the Head of the METROPOL Group of Companies M.V. Slipenchuk is to be held in the territory of Ozerny GOK shift camp. It will become one of the important  elements of the press tour.

The press tour will give the journalists of the largest and most influational English, French, Chinese and Japanese mass media an idea of the  investment potential of Buryatia, its basic “growing points”, i.e. mining industry and tourism.  They will be provided with an opportunity to get a comprehensive understanding of what and why attracts  Asia-Pacific investors in Buryatia by the examples of the «Baikal Harbour» investment project in progress and the most perspective polymetallic deposits in Russia – Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye deposits.

The MBC Corporation will publish tour results and main news on its site after the press tour.

For information

Ozernoye and  Kholodninskoye deposits accumulate zinc 47% and lead 24% of total Russia’s reserves. The mining and processing plant design and construction activities are launched at Ozernoye deposit: the first stripping operations were carried out in October 2009, the mining enterprise will be put in operation in 2010.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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