30日  11月  2010年
METROPOL Group of Companies opened a hotel in Belgrade

A grand opening of the Tulip Inn Putnik Belgrade hotel took place on November 30, 2010, after a major renovation of the building. The Tulip Inn Putnik Belgrade hotel is owned by the Putnik travel agency, which has been part of METROPOL Group of Companies since 2007. Investment in renovation of the hotel with a total area of over 7,100 sq. m. amounted to more than EUR 7 million. Total investment in Putnik development is about EUR 20 million.
Putnik Belgrade was the first company in the region that began franchising cooperation with the Tulip Inn chain owned by Golden Tulip Hospitality Group. It has 1,072 hotels with over 83,000 hotel rooms of all categories, and is rated among the top ten global hotel chains. To ensure the highest international standards of service, the hotel staff was increased by 50 new employees.

At the press conference dedicated to the hotel renovation, Head of METROPOL Group of Companies Mikhail Slipenchuk said: "METROPOL Group has traditionally worked in the financial markets. During the crisis it has become difficult to allocate funds received from our financial transactions to the development of the hotel chain. However, we consider Putnik a representative of METROPOL Group of Companies in Serbia. It has been important for us to make Putnik a worthy representative of our Group in Europe."

Speaking about the company work, Michael Slipenchuk said: "When we were adopting Putnik’s development strategy we decided to transform the former travel agency into a hotel chain. Today, we run hotels not only in Serbia but also in France and Russia. In Russia, we have a company, Putnik Siberia, that develops hotel business and tourism in the Baikal special economic zone."

Putnik Siberia participates in the Baikal Harbor project. Putnik Siberia’s objectives include the construction of a tourist complex at the Lake Baikal, its further promotion and operational management. The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia has selected the Baikal Harbor construction project as an investment object in the framework of the Russia-China cooperation program. Under this program, RUB 38 billion ($ 1.2 billion) will be invested in Baikal Harbor.
Read more about Tulip INN Putnik Belgrad:


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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