30日  5月  2011年
Mongolian President to Send Mir Expedition to Lake Khövsgöl

M.V. Slipenchuk, Head of METROPOL Group, MSU Professor, took part in the meeting of T. Elbegdorj with MSU teachers and students.

On 30 May 2011, as part of his official visit to Russia, Mongolian President T. Elbegdorj visited Moscow State University, where he met with its teachers and students. This event was attended by M.V. Slipenchuk, Head of METROPOL Group, Professor at the Chair of Environmental Management of the Department of Geography, MSU. METROPOL and the Mongolian president are friends. A year ago, Mr Elbegdorj became the first president in history to take part in an underwater scientific expedition on a Mir submersible.

The expedition called Mirs on Baikal was arranged by the Fund for Protection of Lake Baikal, under the aegis of METROPOL. The footage of the Mongolian president’s submersion was included in the documentary Down to the Depths of Baikal, which was made on the order of METROPOL by the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, with the support of the Mongolian television. The film was shown in the Mongolian language in Mongolia in May of this year. When asked by students and reporters about his impression of the Baikal submersion, Mr Elbegdorj said it would be useful to arrange an expedition of Mirs (the submersibles are now being prepared for an expedition to lake Geneva) to the oldest and most beautiful Mongolian lake – Khövsgöl .


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The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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