01日  4月  2008年
IFC METROPOL will step forth as a financial adviser and organizer of IPO OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” conduction

IFC METROPOL will step forth as a financial adviser and organizer of IPO OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” conduction.
OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” is the leading structure of agro industrial Groups of companies “ARKADA” manufacturing sector that has declared its plans about IPO conduction in the IV quarter 2008.  The investment financial company “Metropol” will be financial consultant and organizer of IPO conduction. Investors will be proposed up to 30% of company authorized capital. Primary public stock floatation is planned to be conducted at Russian stock markets. Investments that were attracted in the process of public stock floatation are planned to be directed for buying new companies that specialize in grain processing. In that way, the company is going to increase its presence at Russian market of flour-grinding manufacture, buckwheat, mixed fodder, bakery products. A part of investments will be directed at restructuring current debt. The group of companies “ARKADA” is present at public stock market since 2005. At present time LC APK “ARKADA” stock is circulated at stock market with the total face-value 2, 12 billion of rubles.         
In the period before OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” conduction, IPO is planning to  finish processes of company corporative construction that are directed to effectiveness increase and business management openness, to conduct audit of consolidated accounting according to standards IAS. 

OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” – diversified flour-grinding holding company that consolidates asset and facility at storing, grain processing, facility at cereals, mixed fodder, bakery products manufacturing.    OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” companies are situated in general in central regions of Russia. According to preliminary date consolidating gain of Group of companies OJSC “Maksim Antonov grocery factories” was approximately 125 million USD in 2007. The forecast of gain in 2008 is 250 million USD. With this entire profitability figure according to EBITDA can make approximately 8%.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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