24日  10月  2011年
METROPOL Group participates in International mountain skiing salon that took place in Gostiniy Dvor, Moscow on October 21-23

METROPOL group of companies was represented by Putnik company (Serbia). Putnik participated in the exhibition in the framework of launching of a project for bringing Serbian resort Kopaonik into Russian mountain skiing market. METROPOL possesses hotels Club A and Putnik at the said resort.
The participation in the salon was financed by Putnik company and Serbian party (represented by state company Serbian Mountain Skiing Resorts and МК Mountain Resort company, the owner of the biggest hotel complex at the resort). Serbian colleagues participated in the stand-based activities as well.
The salon took place for the 18th time and brought together about 200 representatives of winter recreation infrastructure: majour Russian tourist operators, as well as operators from 23 foreign states, tourist agencies, resorts, airports, equipment and inventory manufacturers, etc.
All mountain resorts of Europe competed for Russian clients – France, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. The resorts of Finland, Norway and Bulgaria were more active than usual. US resorts also tried a massive “attack” on the Russian market.
Don’t be surprised: Russian mountain skiing market is very attractive in terms of its rapid growth potential. There are currently about 5 mln mountain skiers in Russia, about 1.5 mln of them travel abroad every year, and the numbers keep increasing.
Taking this into account, Putnik company actively participated in the work of the Salon. V.Redkin, the representative of METROPOL Group of Companies and the head of the project, delivered a presentation that caused major interest. Putnik managed to attract the interest of both professionals and individuals to Kopaonik resort that was not known in the Russian market previously.
Participation in the Salon gave Putnik not only useful contacts for further work, but also a possibility to conduct marketing research: namely, to study the interests of the clients, demands and characteristic features of Russian mountain skiing clients. This will enable an efficient bringing of Kopaonik resort (and Club A and Putnik hotels together with it) into the Russian market.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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