11日  3月  2008年
The delegation of Group METROPOL led by M.V. Slipenchuk takes part in XIX International investment exhibition MIPIM-2008 “International Real Estate Market”

On March 11, in Cannes, France, XIX International investment exhibition MIPIM-2008 was opened. This exhibition – is a key event on the real estate market that gathered all major participants of developing business – from developers of area development concept to final users. About 20,000.00 members and more than 6,700.00 companies from 74 countries including more than 500 companies and regions-exponents from Russia were accredited on MIPIM-2008 as exponents. Group METROPOL introduces two main projects: business district  “Metropoliya” in Moscow and “Saint Marko Island in Montenegro”. Such Russian companies as Mirax Group, Inteko, IB Group, MIEL, Blackwood and others also represent their projects on the exhibition.
E. Nabiullina, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and D. Kozak, Minister of Regional Development take part in the event. This year, as E. Nabiullina told reporters, Russian delegation introduces 28 investment projects for the sum more than 30 milliards Euro. Besides, according to her, ten separate expositions of the RF subjects and Russian companies will participate in the exhibition. Among them – projects in the residential and real estate fields.
Complex “Metropoliya” is represented on the stand of Moscow Government among 13 major capital developer projects. Vladimir Resin, the first Mayor Deputy in Moscow and Chief of Moscow construction complex opened the stand. He congratulated the exhibition participants with its opening, wished them successful work and told them about investment potential of Moscow.
Development concept of St. Marko Island in the Adriatic Sea, near Montenegro shores, is represented on the separate stand.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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