22日  11月  2011年
IFC METROPOL is a laureate of the National award “Company of the year” in the nomination “Financial company of the year”

National award “Company of the year of 2011” was handed in in Moscow on November 21, 2011. IFC METROPOL won the award in the nomination “Financial company ”.
The contest was organized by RBK media holding; it  has been held annually since 2001. The purpose of the project is to draw attention of both Russian society and world business community to the activities of the companies that work in the national market, as well as to increase their investment attractiveness.
The list of the nominees include more than ten Russian investment and financial companies. However the members of the expert council represented by powerful figures of business, state authorities and public associations, distinguished IFC METROPOL as the most ambitious and dynamically developing enterprise. The experts noted that after only a year of operation on the debt instruments and derivatives market the company managed to enter the top ten of MICEX leading bonds market operators, became a market maker and a leader of the market dealing with the futures on state loan obligations. The company also participated as a co-organizer in the issue of  bond loans of leading Russian energy companies. 
The award was handed in to Alexey Rodzyanko, CEO of IFC METROPOL, by Viktor Gerashchenko, former chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Alexey Rodzyanko remarked: “I am very pleased and honored to receive this award founded by the most influential Russian player in the market of business and financial media, from the hands of such a well-known financial specialist.  The year of 2011 was particularly light on financial companies. But we are moving forward, we are developing and are ready to strive for new success”.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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