19日  10月  2011年
National rating agency confirmed individual credibility rating of Limited liability company Investment and Financial Company METROPOL at AAA level (maximal credibility).

Investment and Financial Company METROPOL LLC started to operate in 1995 and is the center of METROPOL Group – a major international  investment and industrial group with Russian capital. The group includes UK Metropol LLC, CB Obibank LLC, MINING BANK OF CONGO, METROPOL (UK) LIMITED and METROPOL (CYPRUS) LIMITED (foreign financial companies), the MBC Corporation and MBC RESOURCES Ltd. company (geological exploration and mining industry); Metropol Development company, tourist agency Putnik and other businesses. The offices of Group members are located in Japan, China, Vietnam, France, Canada, Serbia, and Montenegro. The owner of the Company is the General director and the member of the Board of Directors of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL LLC Mikhail Slipenchuk.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL LLC is licensed for carrying out brokerage activities, dealer’s activities, securities management and depositary activities. The company is a member of professional organizations of market players – NFA, NLU and NAUFOR.
The main areas of the company’s activities are the following: corporate financing, providing broker services to institutional and private investors; underwriting of bonds in rubles and euro; dealer activities and repo operations.
In its work on share  capital market the company is oriented at second- and third-tier securities of fledgling and developing companies and thus facilitates the increase in capitalization of the latter. Analytical department of the company includes 15 analysts that cover more than 80 issuers of securities traded at various stock exchanges.
In the sphere of allocation of debt instruments in rubles the company is focused  on working with issuing companies of power generating sector. In 2011 Investment and Financial Company METROPOL participated in the issue of bonds by Irkutskenergo, Rusgidro, Kuzbasenergo, FSK, ENEL OGK-5 and Rosnano for the total amount of approximately 4 bln rubles.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL is a market maker in the market of futures contracts for federal loan bonds and forms about 67% of its trade turnover. As a result of September 2011 Investment and Financial Company METROPOL took the first place in the rating of operators of federal loan bonds futures market of RTS stock exchange (FORTS)
In 2011 the company completed a project of attending a transaction for the sale of 100% of retail stores network Narodniy (Tatarstan) on behalf of the seller. The transaction for the sum of 510 mln rubles was closed in June 2011 and the purchaser was X5 Retail Group. Currently,  projects related to sales of a Russian pharmaceutical company, a Russian coffee producer and a Russian gas extraction company are in progress. The company plans to participate as a consultant in the course of consolidation of energy sphere companies and has material experience in collaboration with them.
Investment and Financial Company METROPOL LLC renders all broker and depositary services specified in its license, including internet trading.  The clients have access to fund and state sections of MICEX and RTS FORTS.
General turnover of the company has increased considerably during the last year 0 by 4 times. The turnovers for internet-trading increased by 6 times. Market value of the assets accounted for in the Depositary of Investment and Financial Company METROOL as a result of the second quarter of 2011 amounted to 26.6 bln rubles.
Beside further development of a filial managing company Investment and Financial Company METROPOL plans to start working with international funds, including those created together with Japanese partners of METROPOL Group of Companies, in the sphere of assets management.
In November 2010 Alexei Rodzyanko was appointed as a chief executive officer of Investment and Financial Company METROPOL. His appointment served as a new impulse for the company development.
“During the last year corporate performance indices remained stable and trade activity of the clients increased. The company operates with positive profitability, possesses a well-developed risk management system and uses modern principles of corporate management system construction. One cannot but note the success of METROPOL Group in the promotion of investment projects in non-financial sphere (tourism, hotel business, extraction and processing of metals on the territory of Buryatia) and in bank business, where a transaction for the purchasing of 50% in the capital of Obibank by Japanese company SBI Holdings, Inc. was completed on the summer of 2011” – said Maxim Vasin, chief analyst of National Rating Agency.
SV-Audit CJSC is the auditor of the company. KPMG Company is the auditor of the reports prepared in accordance with IFRS.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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The METROPOL Group of Companies
Licensies: № 077-06136-100000, № 077-06159-010000, № 077-06168-001000 from 26 august 2003 year, № 077-06194-000100 from 02 september 2003 year, № 650 from 16 april 2004 year, № 3185 from 25 november 1999 year, № 21-000-1-00119 from 23 may 2003 year, № 077-07215-001000 from 9 december 2003 year