15日  4月  2011年
Head of METROPOL Group of Companies M.V. Slipenchuk is Included in Forbes Russia’s Richest Russian Businessmen 2011 List

April 15, 2011

Zarkhai, the Son of Tarkhai Revived on Stage

On April 15, 2011 a presentation of children’s book Zarkhai, the Son of Tarkhai was held at Ulgair Buryat Republican Puppet Theater (Ulan-Ude) on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its author, Buryat literature classic, poet, journalist and translator Shirab Nimbuev.

 The book was published mainly due to the efforts of METROPOL Group of Companies and personally Mikhail Slipenchuk and Bair Tsyrenov.
            Several generations of Buryat readers grew up on adventures of this character. However, children’s books publishing on languages of the peoples of Russia was most badly hit by market conditions. It seemed that the names of Buryat writers would be relegated to oblivion together with old books. Those books that were published in limited numbers looked dull and inconspicuous next to bright multicolored editions from the capital city. In 2003 a group of enthusiasts in Buryatia decided to put an end to the situation when children’s books in the Buryat language lose out to Russian and international classic books in terms of decoration and quality.

              Bair Dashievich Tsyrenov, who then worked in the Federation Council, was the first to support this idea. Thanks to his efforts series of children’s books Magic Buryat-Mongolia including the fairytale book Sakhan Shandagan Khoer (Snow and Hare) and Khulganyn Tuukhe (Mouse Story) came out in 2003.

             Zarkhai, the Son of Tarkhai in many respects differs from the children’s literature issued in Buryatia earlier. This new book is unique as it was decorated by talented self-educated painters, Ertakhanov sisters and newly translated by expert on Tibet, Nikolay Tsyrempilov.

 “This first experience has turned out to be incredibly successful. The book’s overall design was developed by one of Russia’s best designers, Dmitry Garmaev. As part of my work duties I have seen all books made in Buryatia and I can say with confidence that there has not yet been any children’s book of such quality in Buryatia”, believes the poet’s senior daughter, Lyubov Shirabovna Bazarova.              
        The presentation was followed by the first performance of a show based on this exciting fairytale. It should be noted that the performers were also nominated by Lyubov Bazarova. She was so keen to share her enthusiasm about this show that the painters, who decorated the book, agreed to set the scenery. Well-known ballet-master Evgenia Gerasimova was in charge of choreography.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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