08日  7月  2009年
METROPOL Group of сompanies delegation headed by M. V. Slipenchuk takes part in an International Economic Conference staged within the frameworks of the Fifth Baikal Economic Forum

An International Economic Conference devoted to the “Role of Siberia and the Far East in Global Development” opened in the city of Ulan-Ude on July 8, 2009 within the frameworks of the Baikal Economic Forum.  Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Chairman S. M. Mironov and Republic of Buryatia President V. V. Nagovitsyn addressed conference participants at the opening ceremony, which was held in the N. A. Bestuzhev Russian State Drama Theater.  The conference was organized by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the governmental authorities of the Republic of Buryatia.  IFC METROPOL and MBC Corporation served as general sponsors of the event. 
The conference is being held to provide a venue for exchanging ideas about issues of vital importance to Siberia and the Far East.  It will result in the adoption of specific recommendations that legislative and executive authorities can use to help resolve various crises, and to create favorable conditions for developing the local economies and improving the living standards of people living in Siberia and the Far East.  Foreign conference participants will get a chance to learn about the terms of investment projects in areas ranging from natural resource development and processing to innovation technologies and transportation system development. 
The conference will be attended by representatives from federal government bodies, the heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government, public organizations and associations, as well as public figures and representatives of Russia’s various business, scientific and professional communities.  Representative delegations from European, Asian-Pacific Region and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) nations have also been invited to the event.


The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.
The Group includes six battery plants and business units developing and introducing new technologies, and distributing products.

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